What is the classification standard for hawthorn slice dryer equipment? Manufacturers analyze the performance of hawthorn slice dryers
Source:本站 Time:2024/11/11 9:05:19 frequency:
stayHawthorn slice dryer equipmentWhat are the classification criteria? In the introduction, we have introduced some unknown issues or knowledge. Today, we will learn about them:
According to the operating pressure, the honeysuckle dryer equipment can be divided into two types: atmospheric pressure drying and vacuum drying. Vacuum operation can effectively reduce space humidity. Accelerate the drying process to reduce the boiling point of moisture and the drying temperature of materials, ensuring that there is no steam leakage problem.
According to the basic heating method, equipment can be divided into convection, conduction, and radiation types. By using a hot drying medium and direct contact with wet materials, the convection mode transfers heat and takes away steam; For conductive systems, heat is transferred between metal walls to extract and remove moisture vapor.
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